Sunday, November 9, 2008


Have I mentioned that this is our favorite time of the year? We both wish it was a bit cooler but at least the temperature is dropping in the evening. Our electric bill was significantly less this month thanks to all the cool days! YAY for steam heat (no charge in the apt.)!
We had errands to run on Saturday and Dan had to work for a bit in the afternoon but we managed to squeeze in a trip to the Holocaust Museum and a stroll to Filene's Basement in the evening. I have been talking about going to this museum for almost a year maybe longer but I could never bring myself to go. I am not sure why today was the day maybe because I watched the beginning of Rape of Europa or maybe because I have a few extra days to recover with the holiday on Tuesday. Dan started off with me but only made it halfway before he had to go to work. It takes quite a while to get through the entire museum. I felt like I had to watch every movie and read everything. I can not lie it was hard to do and very overwhelming. I am sure glad I finally walked through those doors.
It takes your breath away. I am not sure I can ever go back.

We did not find anything in Filene's but it was a good walk up 14th St.
Walking back to the train at Federal Triangle we passed the Ronald Reagen building where Dan works. They have put beautiful twinkling white lights in all of the trees lining the sidewalk it was a gorgeous sight especially since all of the leaves are yellow.
Happy Autumn!

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