Sunday, November 9, 2008

Last weekend

Last weekend we celebrated my birthday. It was the Saturday after Halloween so we were still in a festive mood! Here are some shots of a spectacular weekend!
This is the cake that Catie and Audrey decorated for me!!
This is the look that Uncle Dan gets a lot, it is something like.."he is my hero", we surprised the girls and arrived at the neighborhood party and then went treat or treating. Mom and Dad said to the girls "look who's here" they saw me and started walking over with big cheesy smiles then they saw 'him' the rock star. "Uncle Dan, Uncle Dan!" calling out from across the playgound, they ran right past me for their super hero, Uncle Dan. I always say it but I hope he is enjoying it now because someday not too far off in the horizon will be nail polish and shopping.
Our Wonder Woman will protect us, especially her little sister, whether she likes it or not!
It was a great time, thanks guys!

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