Tuesday, September 16, 2014


It's been a while and for good reason,  300 Glen is our child and is occupying every minute!   Things are coming along as I cross things off the top of my list I add things to the bottom.  No big surprise there though I have always been pretty good at making lists!
Our family room is coming along... 
In this second photo you can see out to Lorenzo's playground.  Lately he's not been much of a mouser but cicadas and crickets ain't got nothin on him.  
We have a nice area of the yard set aside for a garden next spring.  There was a lot of weeding and tilling happening out there by farmer Dan to prepare the area.  
We did manage to plant cucumbers and pumpkins.  I am so proud of this...

One is better than none!
Our pumpkin vine looks fabulous and has blooms on it but I don't think we're going to have pumpkins for Halloween maybe if if the weather stays mild we will have one for Thanksgiving!   Dan says he wants to eat off our land - I remind him we won't survive a zombie apocalypse on 1 cuke!
So this is us now, happy homeowners working hard on 300 and enjoying the last little bit of summer! 

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