Saturday, June 28, 2014

Eggs in a basket

Today we went to Home Depot to buy new plants for our front porch.  Our petunias were looking a little on the weary side and the pots they are in do not retain water well.  So I bought 2 new hanging baskets and thought I would just try to repot the petunias and see if they would perk up.  Daniel took the pots down for me and said:
Daniel: Did you put eggs in the basket?
Me: say what, what are you talking about? (Always eloquent)
Daniel: eggs!
Me: oh my gosh it's a robins nest!!!
Put it back right now!
Daniel: we are such city slickers!

So here it is 
And no, Daniel did not get his eyes pecked out by the angry momma! 
And I will have a dead plant hanging on the front porch until those baby's fly.  

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