SO, this morning the coffee pot began to overflow; it was not on the base correctly.
Then I poured coffee in my cereal.
As the day has progressed it hasn't changed much; in fact the only difference is I am doing these things and I am awake.
I can not explain it but sometimes we are not in the same rhythm as earth and everyone on this lovely planet.
I am really drowning in work. Somehow I used to be able to clear my desk by the end of the day but this is not so anymore. Does this make me a valued employee? I am not sure. Maybe I am doing more....able to do more...or maybe I can not keep up. I like to think I am doing more and growing in the workplace. Nevertheless, I think I might be too young to be dreaming of winning the lottery.
Today I had a vendor appointment. Here's the scenario; my boss, myself, the vendor and her two children! OH my...they were cute and well behaved until about 2:00. Then I heard a lot of "NO" and "that's my brownie". We were conducting our meeting in the courtyard of the American Art Museum; a beautiful, quiet place where many Momma's bring their darlings during the day.
(I mean really, what do their husbands do, that they are just cruising around the city making "playdates" at the art museum?)
There was another little girl there wanting to play with my new princess friend. But the vendors daughter would not play and said "Mommy, she is not cute, I don't want to play, I wish she would get off my stage" There are these wonderful carrera marble platforms to sit on; this was the stage! Earlier the princess was vogueing on it. HA!
So there I was, nodding and smiling, thinking; you never know what your going to get and why would I want to consider having a princess? I mean if the child is anything like me...whoa, there is only room for one princess in our house.
So here I sit at my desk exhausted, glazed over and ready for a drink or better yet cornflakes with coffee.
Hold the milk please.