We went to see this the first weekend it was in the the theater and walked out still smiling. I wanted to go right back in and see it again. Really, I am not usually a fan of this sort of humor BUT it is a must see. I'm still laughing!
I purchased our tickets at a kiosk in the theater entrance like we usually do but this time there was a prompt to select our seats!? I really just ignored it because I thought no way. When we walked into our theater the usher asked to see our tickets, OH NO! Luckily the computer was kind and put us on the aisle! At first I did not think I liked this but really it is wonderful; no more saving seats, or worrying about getting a seat because we are in the popcorn line! Now when I buy a movie ticket I feel like I am getting more for the $10 smakaroos! It's about time!