Saturday, December 19, 2009


Well What can I say, what a month and where did it go?
I am recovering quickly; it has been two weeks and 2 days. My leg is black and blue as well as the sides of my foot below my ankle. I was going to include a photo but I think I will spare you all the drama; besides it is just gross! It is still tender but I am happy to say I am walking around the house with no crutch. I am still using it while out and about mostly for safety.
Folks around the office have been calling me tiny Tim. Everyone has been very nice and extremely helpful. I feel so lucky to have such great neighbors and coworkers. Lisa, who lives downstairs has been driving me to and from work everyday this past week; SO nice! The ladies at work put together a package of magazines, slipper socks, music and other goodies. Nancy was so nice to drop it off and keep me company when I was stuck home!! Lucky me!

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