Saturday, December 19, 2009


I think my apple pie pops were a big hit!

A few photos from Thanksgiving

White Christmas

No more dreaming for me without a doubt it will be a white Christmas for us! Last night was my Christmas party at the gallery and it could not have been more picture perfect. As we were leaving the snow began and it is still going! It was truly magical, not too cold and very beautiful.Brrrrr now it's a cold 25 with blustery wind and snow all day! I think when this is all over we will have at least 15 inches some areas further out from the city are going to finish up with 20"!! Record snow for our area! Very exciting

Daniel is enjoying it too! And Lorenzo is finding everyway to keep warm!


Well What can I say, what a month and where did it go?
I am recovering quickly; it has been two weeks and 2 days. My leg is black and blue as well as the sides of my foot below my ankle. I was going to include a photo but I think I will spare you all the drama; besides it is just gross! It is still tender but I am happy to say I am walking around the house with no crutch. I am still using it while out and about mostly for safety.
Folks around the office have been calling me tiny Tim. Everyone has been very nice and extremely helpful. I feel so lucky to have such great neighbors and coworkers. Lisa, who lives downstairs has been driving me to and from work everyday this past week; SO nice! The ladies at work put together a package of magazines, slipper socks, music and other goodies. Nancy was so nice to drop it off and keep me company when I was stuck home!! Lucky me!

Monday, December 7, 2009

This is me


There is always another bus! My favorite bus driver asked why would I want to take an earlier bus? Don't I like him? HA, well his words of wisdom has now taught me never to run for public transportation in cute shoes ever again!
I have torn my calf muscles.
After Thursday evening in the ER, a splint, drugs, a pregnancy test (Negative) and crutches now I am on a forced vacation.
Friday Daniel took me to an Orthopaedist Traumologist who removed my splint and told me to move it as much as possible (take my time doing so), ice it and rest. ARGHHH I am not good at staying still!

Saturday was an easy day to stay home and rest since we had our first beautiful snowfall of the season. But by Sunday we were both climbing the walls needing a little adventure.
So, Daniel took me to Ikea and spun me a round in a wheel chair! Now I am home resting and hope to be back to work sooner than later! I am a little black and blue but improving everyday.
Don't run!