Monday, October 13, 2008

Hey Ma! Look what I can DO!

This weekend was so productive! We finally hung our mirror though it did not look right over our small light wood table in the entry way so it is now over the couch! I feel like it looks nice but my Mom sight unseen said that is very 1950's and much too old fashioned. Well I guess I am a fuddy duddy because I kind of like it there. The only solution really is to find a heaver piece of furniture for the hall to balance it out. I know exactly what the hallway will antique mahogany game table! I do not own one but would love one! If I had one of these gorgeous tables then I would most certainly hang the mirror over it!
So here we have what other things I managed to accomplish on this holiday weekend.

So, we are in a new apartment in the same building and we are loving it. I am actually growing a basil plant in the kitchen and my prayer plant has flowers on it! Lorenzo loves the sun too as he is now a transformed kitty, no Prozac needed. I could go on and on about how much we enjoy our new place but I have to be honest it was lacking in personality and needed some tender loving care. Hmmm I say to myself what can I do to this place...why do I watch HGTV any time I can get TV time? (it is the beginning of football and hockey season and the Red Sox are in the playoffs so MY TV time is very limited, this could be the root of my lack of inspiration) But I digress, I found inspiration in my bathroom towels. Yup towels! I love the design and color which I have successfully created on a wall in our apartment! (see photo) This took me 5 hours to do. When Daniel came home from work today he said ...I don't know...HmmmPh, is all I can say. I was sweating my tukkas off (because it is October and I refuse to turn the air on) and working so hard. I like it. Do you? I have been eyeing all of these wonderful vintage wallpapers and number (1) I can not afford them and number (2) I can not afford them for an apartment that I will just have to rip it off the walls of!! SO I made my own. I think Daniel was not too sure because I was still working on it and there was blue painters tape all over the wall, I will admit it was a bit dizzying (is that a word?) So I think he likes it now...well I hope he does I mean he lives here too!

Not too long after we moved into D 9 (a short hop from D1) I found this lovely little bookcase in the garbage. It was in such sad shape and I knew it just needed some love and attention and we needed just the thing for our second bedroom! Daniel despises when I go dumpster diving (and I do not do it that often). Though this lonely bookcase was not actually in the dumpster, it was next to it! I managed to convince Daniel to carry it upstairs for me. He was like the Pink Panther slinking across the parking lot in hopes that no one we knew would see that he just swiped this bookshelf from the garbage! What he failed to realize is that he was actually performing a rescue mission. And hey isn't this the green thing to do! Once it was in the apartment I realized it has had a few lives. It was once a burnt sienna color and then it was white. I am sure it was well loved by a small child at one point because it also had Little Mermaid and Winnie the pooh stickers on it.
So, let the transformation begin! It is now painted a matte black and I rubbed gold (thanks Mom, her idea!) into the face of the shelves and other detailing on the sides. I think this little bookcase will be with us for a while.


  1. Rachael, I love the wall. I think it looks great! You did a fantastic job with it. And what a cute bookshelf. I wish I had your eye for things like that. Great find!

  2. LOVE THE WALL! It looks awesome!! What does Daniel know about interior decorating anyway?! Seriously, it's freakin' awesome! Well done Rachael!!

  3. Wow, I guess I'm posting as Radical Rachel these days. Interesting. I guess I still haven't figured out all of the tricks of blogger. Ha!
