Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Our Boy

Caught in the act! We like to believe our pets miss us when we have gone to work for the day and most do. But not our boy! This morning we went through the usual routine; coffee, treats for Lorenzo, shower and more coffee! It was a gloomy and cool morning a perfect day for going back to bed which is exactly what the bugger did! He will usually stand by the door when we are on our way out let out a little squeal as if to say why are you leaving me? But not today, here he is all rolled up under the covers he just could not wait for us to get outta here so he could have some peace and quiet. He is much like his owners spoiled and sometimes just plain lazzzy!


  1. What a handsome little devil. Even though he swats me when I'm around, I still adore him. What can I say? I like those handsome bad boys.

  2. Oh yeah, that's me, Rachel (rcc1976).
