Saturday, June 11, 2011

The walk home

It is the end of another long week that had its moments of feeling as if it would never end or that it was passing much too quickly. 
We have had some abnormally hot weather marking the beginning of the summer however Friday it did not hit 100 degrees so I opted to walk home.  It helped that it was a bit overcast and I was in no rush.
  It turns out, it was a nice walk since I had my ipod tuned to my summer play list and I wasn't weighted down with all those things that I feel a necessity to carry back and forth to work!
Along the way I noticed a beautiful magnolia tree in bloom and soon realized the neighborhood is full of them.  I took a photo which inspired me to really take notice of the route I take home.  I pass through these streets in the rush of my daily commute but today I realized I am only depriving myself by not looking.
The saying is true...sometimes you have to stop and smell the roses.  
The walk home...



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