Sunday, February 6, 2011


My Daniel has officially declared Superbowl Sunday a national holiday as do many other men.  It's a day to lay around and EAT.  I, in another life would ignore these requests (not my style) but it is what he enjoys.  But why is this year the super Duper Sunday?  Well there is one very important hockey game on today; Capitals vs Penguins at 12:30  (2-0 right now) and then the Superbowl at 6:30.  
So for round one; hockey, I made these:

from the Saveur magazine website.  Next time I will top them with sesame seeds and scallions! 
When you look at the recipe do not be discouraged by all of the very potent ingredients.  When combined they become a perfect balance of sweet and tangy with just the right amount of heat.  Not hot in the mouth just a little sting on the lips.  Of course if you like it HOT and some do...I am sure adding a little more chili or even a splash of Sriracha would work fine.  I will make these again with side dishes of jasmine rice and Chinese broccoli with garlic and oil. 

ROUND 2 TODAY; Korean BBQ short ribs.

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