Thursday, January 27, 2011


Yesterday we were dismissed 2 hours early due to the winter storm approaching. My neighbor and I were giggling like school girls on our commute home because it was raining! Well let's just say the joke was on us. It began to hail/ice and then sleet/ snow. But the most unusual is the thundersnow? If I did not see it with my own eyes I really don't think I would believe it thunders and that there is lightning during a snow storm. Yes it is true Virginia...there really is such a thing. The snow came quickly and as you can see from the photo will go quickly. We are a true mess! That is the crosswalk I am to use to make my way to work. We ended the evening with 6 inches. Of course that is not too much but it was on top of ice. Still it pales to NYC who had 19 inches in central park last night and this was their third significant snow this season.
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