Friday, October 15, 2010

Here...there...and everywhere.

Since August we have been running around non stop!  I remember when I was a kid the days felt like weeks and months like years.  Here I am quickly approaching another birthday and the days feel like minutes.  How do you make the clock stop?  That is a question asked for hundreds of years I am sure.  Daniel would probably say, check the Mayan calendar since it will come to an end soon!

So that leads me to where the heck we have been!
In late august this beauty joined the family.  Meet Olivia! 

A week later we left for Florida for a vacation.  We had a visit with Poppy, Uncle Bill and Aunt Rose for four days and then on Sunday we left on a cruise to the western Caribbean, visiting Grand Cayman, Belize, Isla Roatan and Cozumel.  These were some of the most beautiful places to see and even better from the balcony of our cabin.  Below is a small slide show from our trip.

When we returned from our trip it was the middle of September and we were both facing rigorous schedules at work.  When we left it was 100 degrees and upon our return it was a cool and dry 60, it is autumn!

A week after we settled in the family had a Welcome Olivia party and we were able to finally meet Maura Claire, our niece from Boston.   She is a beautiful smiling girl who is always happy and loves loves loves guacamole!  A girl after my own heart. *sigh*

My mom made these great favors for the party!

 I made these dancing cupcakes for the party which were a 
big hit especially with my nephew Colin! 

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