We were scheduled for delivery anytime between 11am and 3pm.
I started my day taking Daniel and Kevin (our roommate on Thursday nights, he goes to school with Daniel) to the train and then heading off to the grocery store. You have to have the essentials like Italian sausages for Superbowl Sunday!
OMG- I should have known that when there were no shopping carts outside that I was in for a wild ride. "Attention customers, we now have milk!" That was my que to get the hell outta the dairy section, I almost didn't make it.
So it was 8:15 ish when I arrived at the store and I returned home at 10:00am. The lines looked like I was at Disney World in July!
Worried, but I was home in plenty of time for our new addition.
11:30 am the beauty arrived!
Whew I was tired...maybe I should nap...on the new couch!
Well, of course I didn't do that but look who loves it!
it looks beautiful! congrats!