Sunday, January 31, 2010

Grammy night

So here it is the night I have been waiting for...for the last 24hrs! I had no idea the Grammy's were on tonight until I looked at the newspaper on Friday.
I never follow the awards show. I have never really been one to follow the stars.
Not too closely anyway.
But I have been gaga for the Lady Gaga for quite some time. So this is the year, the first time in years that I am excited to watch the awards show.
One day in the hall at work a co worker passed a comment, it went something like "what kind of trash is on the radio Lady Gaga what is that". I was stunned and I showed him a you Tube video of Gaga as Stephanie performing at NYU. I told him how I felt; she is multi talented and is able to reinvent herself. I said I feel like she is going to be around a long time. And then on Friday I read an article in the New York Times about Gaga, read it, she is fabulous.

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