Why must there be such hatred? I am not the first and I am sure I will not be the last to ask this question.
I could not believe it when I heard the news, the reporters are all calling it domestic terrorism. Really, I wonder what other new creative term can they come up with for something so simple.
When I was a child I watched Sesame Street; there were all ethnicity's, religions and "creatures" on this program. As I grew older I watched ABC's after school specials. These programs and more taught us "don't judge a book by its cover", so what is going on people!? It is 2009, this is not 1950, someone should have told that to this man of 88 who decided to stir up the muck of days gone by. We need to move forward, be progressive and quit with the aggression and ignorance. Just be considerate and educate yourself, even if it is reading the front page everyday. We are all in this together and while we may get on each others nerves and not agree, there is no good reason to HATE. It is ugly and it makes you ugly.
I am not saying that you should like everyone you meet but there is no good reason for something like this.
I pray for the guard, all of the visitors in the museum and for the family of James Von Brunn.