Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My first time

Today I went to my first exhibition schedule meeting. It was a fantastic experience as I was in a room full of intelligent folks who love art. Just Great!

In this meeting publications for the current and future exhibitions are reviewed as well as the schedule of exhibitions for the museum. Currently there is a tentative schedule up to 2011. I went with my co worker Nancy (it was her idea to attend) and it was a great idea! We previewed the 10 minute video to be shown inside the exhibition opening on October 19th Pompeii and the Roman Villa:Art and Culture around the Bay of Naples. Ahhh Italia I can not say it enough, I love Italy!


The meeting did not last as long as I had hoped. My big idea was to go to the meeting and then go home, no such luck. I had plenty of time to return to my desk and begin a new project.


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