Friday, October 31, 2008


So you may wonder why I am sandwiched between the cutest pig and Wonder Woman! That is because the plans for Halloween have changed!! Daniel and I will be celebrating with the darlings on the Eastern Shore! Can you guess which one is Wonder Woman and which is the cute piggy?

What happened to Linda Carter anyway? I must confess even in 1975 wonder woman had an effect on kids, I had wonder woman Underroos...remember those?

Happy Halloween!!

Do you have plans for the frightful Friday? We are going to stay home and have tomato soup and grilled cheese while we watch The Wizard of Oz. He only knows about the grilled cheese and soup! shhhhh it's a surprise! I think the movie is a good idea since he has been completely obsessed with MSNBC and CNN as of late. Wonder why? We watch Chris Matthews, Keith Oberman and Dan's new girlfriend Rachel Maddow religiously! I really do not mind it too much, it is just that I am tiring from the constant chatter of the election.

Back to Halloween, I think we may have two trick- o- treaters so maybe I will pick up a very small bag of candy that Daniel will eat. His fav. Reese's, there is just something about peanut butter and chocolate!

Hope everyone has fun tonight, be safe....BOO!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Lemon week

I am not sure where the week went or why the stars had it in for me but it is Thursday, I wish it was Friday.

Maybe it is my birthday that is really bothering me (among other things) but I will be 35 on Tuesday and not to sound ridiculous but my life is technically half over according to my lovely genes. There are so many things I would still like to do and not much time to do it in considering how quickly time goes by...

Maybe I should follow the advice of a cocktail napkin.

"When life gives you lemons, just add vodka".
I plan to do this

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I am not kidding

Here is the link to the NY Times


Only in Italy would you be chased down for speeding by one of these...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Nanny

Today is my grandmother's birthday. She was the most amazing woman, full of energy, the life of the party, beautiful inside and out. I miss her everyday.
Sometimes when I am not sure what to do I think of how she would do it and press on.
When my my grandfather was a undercover police officer in NYC she worked for City Hall in lower Manhattan. When they moved to Florida she was an advocate of the Miccosukee Indians where my grandfather was the Chief of Police and several years later when we moved to Florida she began volunteering at Cooper City Elementary where my brother was attending school. Nanny was an integral part of our family first and foremost supporting her husband in all of his endeavors and providing guidance and balance in the lives of all of us around her. She kept us together and reminded us of what is most important, Family.
She had three beautiful children (my Mom is one of them and twin boys) and a marriage of 50+ years with my Poppy her sweetheart who lived in the same apartment building in NYC. She was an only child and had two very colorful parents, Joseph and Margaret Zurzolo. She just had the knack of making you smile and most certainly touched many peoples hearts. This is a woman who would enter a room and say "I'm here"! She could have a conversation with anyone a complete stranger would become her friend in 5 minutes flat. No kidding!
My brother and I were so fortunate to have her for a grandmother (she was not even close to being the grandmotherly type). We spent every summer from June to August with Nanny and Poppy in Pembroke Pines, Florida. Most days we spent smelling like suntan oil and chlorine. We would wake up at 7:00am and be on the beach by
8:oo am. She would buy us a new raft every summer and sometime frozen yogurt!! Yummy!! After our morning at the beach we would usually go to the 5 & Dime to have lunch like a grilled cheese or a hot dog, every kids dream lunch! They would have toys and sometimes we would get a new one like a puzzle but sometimes we would just look at the birds mostly parakeets and cockatoos. Once we returned home we would spend the remainder of the day in the pool at home or playing with neighborhood kids. Since a lot of our family lived in Florida when I was young we would have many family get togethers at the Zecca house. Sunday was always a traditional Italian family meal and the more bodies around the dinner table the better.
I was pretty lucky to have her in my life, she was a great role model and taught me that I could do anything if I set my mind to it.
When I entered the 4th grade my father's job transferred him to Maryland and I actually spent the first half of the fourth grade with my grandparents. Nanny taught me how to spell ENCYCLOPEDIA. She said just sing it and you will remember. I did and she was right! She was right about most things. She was always around and active in my education and my progress as a young lady.
There were some things she would say to save us from bad language like "hooplebrain" who says this and where did it come from?! She like d to chew gum and would sing the lyrics almost in an echo when a song was on the radio, it was very endearing. She was not loud but boisterous, so that is where I get it from! She loved being Italian and Catholic and instilled in us to be proud of who and what we are.
She was also my attorney, whenever I would get into trouble I always had a defense. My Nanny, oh how I miss her with my whole heart. We had so many good laughs and good times as a family. When I started the 7th grade my Fathers job transferred him to Florida. We were always together and very close for all of our days together.

Nanny was very passionate about life, love and her family.
Even when I was at my worst she loved me. I loved her back
Happy Birthday, Ann Marie Zecca

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Apple of my Eye

About two weekends ago on Sunday we went out to Shenandoah Valley again and then over the mountains to Luray. It is our most favorite time of the year, the weather is cooling off and the air is becoming dry and crisp. It is so much nicer than the humid summers of DC. So this prompted a road trip to see the foliage and go apple picking! Below are some pics from a fantastic day! First we stopped at the Williams Family Farm but there was no picking there only eating! While we were there we watched a man making apple butter the old fashioned way from 15 bushels of apples! When we were just getting ready to leave and I overheard this woman saying they were going to a farm to go apple picking, she was kind enough to give us very specific directions to this remote location. The road getting to the orchard was unpaved and two way but only wide enough to be one lane!
We ended up picking an entire bushel of Steeman apples...Delish! It was the first time for us to go apple picking and I guess we got carried away! It was late when we finally returned home and poor Daniel carried the bushel upstairs losing a few along the way, thump thump thump they were spilling down the stairs! I am sure the neighbors really appreciated the noise of the apples and us laughing so loud! Oh well! By the time we got into the apartment we threw ourselves down on the couch, looked at the box and said what are we going to do with all these apples?

Well last weekend when my Mom was here we made homemade apple sauce and the filling for the Thanksgiving apple pie! It is all in the freezer I am sure it will be yummy!

Here I am singing into the apple microphone...silly I know.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


This is going to be so great in the outdated airport tunnel complete with moving sidewalks connecting the east and west buildings of the National Gallery of Art. It will be like our very own 2001: A Space Odyssey in 2008!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Back on September 16th ...

Lorenzo had a great day until he met our new addition. DYSON, no not Dyson the mouse Dyson the allergy friendly vacuum cleaner. We needed a new vacuum and got a great deal on this at Target with $100.00 cash back on top of already being marked down!
Lorenzo was very threatened by the big pink machine (Susan G. Komen model). I am not really sure why since it is much quieter than our old vacuum. I have always suspected that his vision is not so good so maybe he can see something we can't!! "I see dead people" Sometimes cats are just hilarious. Not sure what he is thinking but he still does not like it. Maybe the next time he is being bad I will just take out the Dyson!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

"Hot Chef"

I think I would look so cute in this cooking Christmas dinner! I have always wanted to learn to sew so I could make cute things like this. But really if I did know how, would I? Hmmmm

Let's see how much this is...


Ohhhhh look atthis one!!
I could use it all year round!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Hey Ma! Look what I can DO!

This weekend was so productive! We finally hung our mirror though it did not look right over our small light wood table in the entry way so it is now over the couch! I feel like it looks nice but my Mom sight unseen said that is very 1950's and much too old fashioned. Well I guess I am a fuddy duddy because I kind of like it there. The only solution really is to find a heaver piece of furniture for the hall to balance it out. I know exactly what the hallway will antique mahogany game table! I do not own one but would love one! If I had one of these gorgeous tables then I would most certainly hang the mirror over it!
So here we have what other things I managed to accomplish on this holiday weekend.

So, we are in a new apartment in the same building and we are loving it. I am actually growing a basil plant in the kitchen and my prayer plant has flowers on it! Lorenzo loves the sun too as he is now a transformed kitty, no Prozac needed. I could go on and on about how much we enjoy our new place but I have to be honest it was lacking in personality and needed some tender loving care. Hmmm I say to myself what can I do to this place...why do I watch HGTV any time I can get TV time? (it is the beginning of football and hockey season and the Red Sox are in the playoffs so MY TV time is very limited, this could be the root of my lack of inspiration) But I digress, I found inspiration in my bathroom towels. Yup towels! I love the design and color which I have successfully created on a wall in our apartment! (see photo) This took me 5 hours to do. When Daniel came home from work today he said ...I don't know...HmmmPh, is all I can say. I was sweating my tukkas off (because it is October and I refuse to turn the air on) and working so hard. I like it. Do you? I have been eyeing all of these wonderful vintage wallpapers and number (1) I can not afford them and number (2) I can not afford them for an apartment that I will just have to rip it off the walls of!! SO I made my own. I think Daniel was not too sure because I was still working on it and there was blue painters tape all over the wall, I will admit it was a bit dizzying (is that a word?) So I think he likes it now...well I hope he does I mean he lives here too!

Not too long after we moved into D 9 (a short hop from D1) I found this lovely little bookcase in the garbage. It was in such sad shape and I knew it just needed some love and attention and we needed just the thing for our second bedroom! Daniel despises when I go dumpster diving (and I do not do it that often). Though this lonely bookcase was not actually in the dumpster, it was next to it! I managed to convince Daniel to carry it upstairs for me. He was like the Pink Panther slinking across the parking lot in hopes that no one we knew would see that he just swiped this bookshelf from the garbage! What he failed to realize is that he was actually performing a rescue mission. And hey isn't this the green thing to do! Once it was in the apartment I realized it has had a few lives. It was once a burnt sienna color and then it was white. I am sure it was well loved by a small child at one point because it also had Little Mermaid and Winnie the pooh stickers on it.
So, let the transformation begin! It is now painted a matte black and I rubbed gold (thanks Mom, her idea!) into the face of the shelves and other detailing on the sides. I think this little bookcase will be with us for a while.

Friday, October 10, 2008

AHHHHhhh Friday.

Today has been a very hectic day with all things Pompeii. Oh and Christmas too! I keep telling myself when October is over I am going to cry because I will not have much to do for 2 months but I am starting to think this is really not true.

Right now all I can say is I am exhaling Ahhhhh it is Friday and the beginning of a 3 day weekend for me. Poor Daniel has to work on Monday.

Sometimes it really pays to be a federal employee! Even though most of us are underpaid!!

I don't know about you but we have a lot on our plates this weekend, 3 weeks worth of laundry (I know ...gross!) hang our mirror we bought over a month ago in addition to hanging all our family photos. There is a whole slew of other things but you get the point. Just all the little things that tend to get annoying after a while. I used to make lists because I like to cross things off when I am done but I stopped because I have not been crossing off!!

So cheers to the weekend, I hope I can muster up the energy to slash something off the list!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Two babies

I am anxiously awaiting the news. Tomorrow is the day we find out if my brother and sister-in-law Chris and Christie are destined for another girl or will the girls finally have some competition! Only GOD knows...until tomorrow!

Daniel and I are looking forward to all the new additions. One in Boston and another on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. If you guys keep giving us nieces and nephews to love we may not need to proceed!

Love you and all the babies in the bellies

My first time

Today I went to my first exhibition schedule meeting. It was a fantastic experience as I was in a room full of intelligent folks who love art. Just Great!

In this meeting publications for the current and future exhibitions are reviewed as well as the schedule of exhibitions for the museum. Currently there is a tentative schedule up to 2011. I went with my co worker Nancy (it was her idea to attend) and it was a great idea! We previewed the 10 minute video to be shown inside the exhibition opening on October 19th Pompeii and the Roman Villa:Art and Culture around the Bay of Naples. Ahhh Italia I can not say it enough, I love Italy!


The meeting did not last as long as I had hoped. My big idea was to go to the meeting and then go home, no such luck. I had plenty of time to return to my desk and begin a new project.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Venetian love

Lately I have been having flashbacks of Venice and it is tugging at my heart strings. Daniel and I spent our honeymoon in Venice last November and it was spectacular. Italy calls out to me almost on a daily basis. I say I will retire there but I imagine this is only a dream. Let a girl dream ok!
So today I checked the news of Italy at some of my usual web sites and came across something very sweet and a bit comical.
When you arrive in Venice from the airport you can either take a water taxi or a bus. Of course thinking it would not make a difference we chose the bus (it was more economical).
Before I go on... do not take the bus unless you have been there before! It is much more romantic and magical to enter the city by boat.
So, we arrive by bus to the main station which is bustling with people. Forget reading maps of Venice because none are very accurate. Somehow we found our way to the hotel (call it my 6th sense) managing to make it over a series of small bridges. We stayed right on the Grand Canal and loved it!
While we were making our way we noticed a new bridge being built to create a more direct route between the bus terminal and the Ferrovia train station. That bridge finally opened about 20 days ago. The designer is Spanish, Santiago Calatrava and the brige is made mostly of glass and steel. Here is a nice article on the new bridge.
This is the most comical