So here it is Sunday and we still have one more day of the glorious weekend!! Don't you just love long weekends? I personally think a 4 day workweek should be effective for everyone beginning in September. Oh what's that you say? September is on Monday? Well isn't that just perfect!
All joking aside there is no one I know who doesn't love an extra day but putting it to good use that is the challenge. Though it is all relative, to some good use is kicking back on the couch with a beer or a "coke" spending the day with ESPN and CNN. Does this sound like someone you know? Today our good use is Skyline Drive of Shenandoah! Yep, that's right Mountain Momma take me home... road trip to the mountains of Virginia or West Virginia depending on how brave we actually are! I am hoping there will be some nice antique shops and many scenic views.
Today we will have some fun, tomorrow laundry!
Oooo...antique shops. Dan will love those. He's always telling me how all he wants to do is go antique-ing. We already miss you two. The beach is great and we wish you were here with us. Rusty's Dad has been watching college football all weekend and Rusty's Mom has been cooking. You guys would fit right in. Have a great time in the mountains!!!