Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Longer weekend

Well the 3 day weekend has been extended by illness,  first me then Dan.  Even the cat is a bit under the weather, hiding under the covers in this first picture.  He looks like a burrito, there is his ear in the second and as you can see he is actually hanging his head over the side of the bed in what I call the dramatic disgust pose.  Because really,  he is sick of us being home.  At first it was a nice surprise to have someone to cuddle up to most of the day but now he is just plain suspicious.  The day I took these photos he swatted and meowed loud at me for lifting the blanket up.  Now he sits and stares at me or Dan but he is exhausted, you can see it when his head sways and his eyes are at half mast.  It's like I'm watching a cartoon and every once in a while he shakes his head vigorously to snap out of his slumber.  He will not rest until we are gone! 

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