Sunday, October 13, 2013

Birthday Dinner

While the furlough has been disruptive and  the timing pretty bad I have truly been trying to make the most of it.  For my Moms birthday this year I had more time than usual to prepare so I made Brasato.  In my opinion, anything that has to marinate in a beautiful melody of herbs and an entire bottle of wine for 24 hours has got to be good!  I photographed the steps below however I did not include the searing of the meat.  A delicious recipe and with the leftover rapini and beef we made panini's the next night. yummy!!  Dan made pumpkin ravioli from scratch with sage butter as a starter for birthday dinner.  He roasted the pumpkin, pureed the filling and made the pasta.  My guy didn't just take my name he became an Italian chef!  We finished with some special pastries from our local french bakery. Delicious! 


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