Wednesday, June 29, 2011

New Spinach Salad

I took a chance on dinner tonight. While the hubby has a worldly palette he can be finiky. Oh yes, that is a very true statement. Above is a photo of my end result, an entree from the latest issue of Cooking Light, a new spin on the classic spinach salad with mushrooms and bacon. The bacon is traditionally warm from the frying pan and slightly wilts the spinach when added to the salad. This version has sliced pan fried new potatoes, chiorzo sausage and poached eggs. It is then topped with a shallot and sherry dressing. You mince the shallots and cook them in olive oil for three minutes, just until clear and soft, then add the sherry. Let it cook down and spoon over the plated spinach, choirzo, potatoes and eggs. It was delicious and a hit with Daniel. A win for me, and something new to add to the dinner rotation!
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