Monday, May 2, 2011


Dan is having a big birthday on Friday and I had been planning an outdoor picnic for him for Sunday past but mother nature had a different idea.  Rain
We had to call and cancel all of our guests however our siblings and their children joined us for 10 pounds of potato salad, tons of coleslaw, grilled corn, oodles of cupcakes and so on! 

In spite of the rain we had a nice time together in our tight squeeze apartment!

My Mom made a target for squirt guns so we headed outside for a few rounds.  But of course Uncle Dan had to be the target; he is such a big kid!
This is one satisfied little boy, a squirt gun and a cup full of candy! 
We headed back inside for birthday cupcakes lit up with sparklers for the big 4-0!
 The lucky birthday boy with his gift from the Valentino's of the Eastern Shore!  That grin tells it all!
Tickets for all of us to witness the Orioles take out the Boston Red Sox..oh I mean to cheer on the Sox (go Yankees!) on a Wednesday afternoon in July.  We are all playing hooky for a fun day at the ball park!  He is already talking hot dogs...cotton candy and ice cream.  That's my guy!
It was a fun day and oh so nice for us to have all our kids together for some fun.

Though there was one who was happy to see all those people leave his domain...
ahhh...this is the life

1 comment:

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIEL! We were sad to miss your party, but it looks like you had a great time!! Love you guys!
