Friday, April 29, 2011

Wedding Bells!

The Royal Wedding is today, I had no plans to watch it but for some strange reason I woke up at 5 am!  Really, I just can't resist a wedding!  I would marry my Daniel over and over again.  Our wedding day was beautiful, I married my Prince and don't you know...I have always been a Princess!
And now the moment we have all been waiting for....
The dress

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


So, its that hockey time of the year, the Stanley Cup playoffs. I will not bore you with my usual "Rock the Red" speech I am just sharing the "game face" with you.
I know ...look at that outfit, and the head band! Ohhhh so sexxxy.
I think I will post the game schedule on our front door so the neighbors know this will eventually come to an end.
Tonight 3-0 NY Rangers 1-2 period/
3rd period CAPS tie the game 3-3 now in OT. Fingers crossed I don't have to go to bed with the "pouter game face".
Feel my pain...
Hockey is fun!
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The tropical cat

I dont think the palm from church has a smell. Well let's just say I can't smell the scent of palm. Every Palm Sunday, every year, I go to great lengths to hide it from my fuzzy troublemaker. He eats it and then it makes him sick! Why do cats do this?
This year I put it up high on a shelf in the kitchen and wouldnt you know it...he got it. I don't know how or when but just look at him...that is a bad cat.
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Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Meet Alf, the latest addition to my brothers family! This guinea pig has got three little girls to love him now. The girls, Audrey primarily wanted a dog or a cat somehow they were convined by their parents a guinea pig was just what they needed!  When we were visiting Audrey told us she really likes Alf because she can hold him. And hold him and hold him...she really loves animals.   A few hours later she told us he peed. Yes Alf relieved himself on her. Poor guy...she loves him so much she just cant put him down.

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Stormy weather

Made the train just in time before this arrived!
Today is just the perfect day to stay home, snuggle up on the couch with Lorenzo and watch movies.
Too bad I am at work!
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