Tuesday, December 14, 2010


It is actually the end of Tuesday but this morning certainly had all the attributes of a Monday.
It is cold, brutally cold.  Did I say it's COLD?  Arrgghh freezing and windy really.  It takes your breath away.   I walked to the bus, no of course I was not on time for the one close to home.  So I walked and waited in the cold.  I was pleasantly warm in my long camel coat, thanks Mom.  It is going on 7 years old and it is still fabulous. 
Once on the train I was hot in my layer upon layer.  The train became crowded with the typical morning rush and I began to sweat!  Then of course reliable metro offloaded an entire train on my route so we held in a tunnel for a while. And then...we bypassed my metro stop!  We were dumped off at Gallery Place.  It is not that far from my office (4 blocks) but the point is it's freakin' COLD.  And now I have just paid more to ride the train to a destination I did not desire.  Thanks metro.
It seems to me if the metro system bypasses stops occasionally during rush hour the amount of extra fare paid should keep it in better working order.  I know it is mere pennies but when you calculate just how many people would have exited the train at the earlier stop, it adds up!  
It turns out there was a suspicious package at the Starbucks building across the street from my metro stop.  I should be thankful that it was not a fire (metro center closed down yesterday for a fire)  or that it was not a chunk of the ceiling inside a metro station falling on my head (that happened last week) or that I was not caught in the middle of a teen battle (Chinatown/Gallery place metro stop at the end of the summer 2010) or even that I was not in a deadly train crash (that occurred in July 2009).   Metro has been gouging its customers to make up for the bad budgeting, poor planning, botched repairs and other disasters that have been exposed since that crash in 2009.  We will even experience yet another fare hike after the first of the year.  That means we will pay more to ride DC Metro than New Yorkers pay for their much more efficient and elaborate subway system. 
And for what really? 
The metro gets me to work most days and thankfully so, since our traffic isn't much better. 

The day progresses and I begin planning my evening.  I bought velvet curtains from Ikea many months ago.  Nope they are still not up!  I returned to Ikea a month ago for the hardware to hang them.  Then I made a trip to Home Depot one week ago to buy the fabulous monster anchors for our fabulous plaster walls of the 1930's.  This wonderful old man, old yes, he looked like a skinny Santa Clause with a cane helped me select the right hardware.  With my brackets in hand we settled on what we thought were the right supplies.  Umm NO.  I removed the old hardware from the wall, measured everything out and opened the box of screws.  Something told me to be sure my flat head screws fit flush in the bracket.  They did not.  So here I am archiving my day. 
Oh well, tomorrow will be a fresh start! 

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