Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Has it been cold where you live?  Around these parts it has been unseasonably cold and windy!  Where do I live...Chicago?!  It is in the low 20's tonight.  I am looking forward to the next couple of days, our weather man predicted 40's.  No time for cheering though next week will be high 20's during the day! ick
So it has come to this, talk about the weather.  It usually comes down to that when there is nothing to say.   You are at happy hour with folks you don't know very well and what do you say?  You talk about the weather!
  Honestly there is plenty to tell.  I am just exhausted, I can't keep up with myself. 

Right now I am cold and tired and will check in soon with a slide show of the last 2 months!

Night night...let me know if you like the changes I made to the blog!

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