Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ohh Martha

Damned Martha!  She is like the big sister you LOVE and hate all in one breath!
I was feeling put off by Martha and Omni Media because I ordered Martha Stewart Living and received Body & Soul for free with it however my subscription was running out and Martha's folks took it upon themselves to kindly renew and keep sending the magazine to my home without asking me. 

Martha, etiquette please! Emily Post would be very disappointed in this sort of behavior. 
So, I decided to take my sweet time sending my $19.95 especially since my subscription cost $14.95 last year.  I keep getting past due notes from Martha and she keeps sending the magazine. What to do?!

But today I receive a message to my blackberry of high importance from Audience Martha Show follow-up.
They want to invite me to participate in another Martha Stewart audience.
Well, of course I said Awwwwww how nice!  Yes, me, the one who was bitching earlier about the $19.95.  Oh they remembered I was a newly wed and maybe I had some questions I would like to ask Martha about being married, buying and keeping a home or making a weekly menu.
HA that is funny didn't she have a very bad parting of the ways with her husband?  Maybe she will tell me what not to do?  Well at least I know she can help me plan weekly meals and grocery shopping on a budget.

Oh Martha it is so hard to stay mad at you! I will kindly reply to your email and come to see you in season 6; but please can I have a really nice gift since this will be my third time coming to see one of my most favorite people!?

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