Saturday, September 12, 2009


I'm a lucky girl! Last week was a short week to begin with since Monday was a holiday but lucky me I took off the day off on Friday. you ask? Rachel came to town! woo hoo

Thursday night Ellie and Rachel met me at the train and we were off!
Back at my place we polished off a bottle of Prosecco that I picked up at the Chelsea Market the last time I was in New York. yummy! Daniel left the girls to giggle amongst themselves as he headed off to the cigar shop meeting the guys. They watched the first football game of the season.

We walked up to Los Tios and had a delicious Mexican dinner. Rachel claimed it was the best burrito she has had outside of California! A muy grande compliment, since her burrito taste buds are Superior!

Friday was a terribly rainy day; very good for sleeping till 9:00 am. We made a light breakfast and spent time catching up and planning a girls day. Later we had a luxurious afternoon of manicures and pedicures a nice lunch and a little shopping. We picked up some pantaloons for the guys (ask me) and we struck a deal and bought some very anthro-esque shoes! My umm and handbags oh and did I say accessories!
We met Daniel back at the apartment after he finished his work day relaxed a bit and then headed out for dinner. Along the way we picked up Ellie and then drove out to Fairfax to meet Sean and Tischa, two very good friends of Rachel. And guess what! We ate mexican AGAIN! yum. It was delicious but I think Daniel may have over done it with pork ribs and marinated steak platter called Uncle Julio's platter. UGHHHHhhh is all he could say.

It was wonderful to spend time with Rachel and Ellie! I can't wait to do it again soon!

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