Monday, March 17, 2014

Holy Hemlock!!

Holy hemlock Batman, I think a leprechaun has played a trick on us! 

It's snowing, AGAIN** and I don't mean just a little, we are buried again. 


Possibly with a little luck of the Irish, the pot of gold at the end of this snow-rainbow will be Spring. 
Yesterday we celebrated Dans Irish roots with my Mom.  For an Italian Momma, she sure can cook up a delish corn beef, cabbage and potato feast!  We also had soda bread and bread pudding for dessert!  Yum!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Signed, Hopeful for Spring!

This is my indoor begonia I purchased from Trader Joes last Easter.  It is no longer a baby now it is blooming in its second year.  Of course, it is from Canada.  We do love Canada, of course! 
Hopeful for spring
PS - it's 63 here today,  just saying


Of course every woman needs one of these...

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Reading room

Found at
This is so much fun!  What a wonderful idea to encourage reading for kids...and adults!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ash Wednesday

Avert your eyes from the sinner!  
So today is Ash Wednesday and I received this ...
And this...
And I'm having none of this...
Or this...

For 40 days and 40 nights.  

Monday, March 3, 2014

Snow day

Home again for another snow day.  A not so productive day on the couch catching up on the HBO series Girls, learning about killer bees from Africa on the History channel, renting on demand the Academy award winning foreign film, The Great Beauty and finishing the evening with Phantom of the Opera.  Below is a review of La Grande Bellezza, we enjoyed it however it may require a second viewing.

If I went to the Oscars

Jennifer Lawrence stole the show in red Dior
But since we couldn't possibly wear the same dress ...
There is this beauty

Or this vintage lovely