Now Dan is sick...dunn dunn dunn dunnnhhh. I think he caught my cold.
But let me explain; he is sick; sick enough to stay home from work (this is very unusual) and sick enough to eat soup and it is not Pho (his grandmothers won tons). Sick enough to have a roll of paper towels next to him to blow his nose all day.
BUT not too sick to go to Model's to look at hockey sticks.
This reminds of the time when he had his wisdom teeth taken out and decided that the day after his surgery, while he was on percocet he would walk (Forrest Gump ring a bell, he just decided to walk and kept walking and walking...) to the mall from my mothers' house because he felt like having chicken McNuggets.
Once he was there he called me on my cell phone (I was working at a Navy football game) and asked me to pick him up because his head was throbbing and he could not possibly make it back to where he came from.
He thinks he is going to play hockey tonight. There is no way he is getting out the front door. Believe ME
Ahh and he is all mine to love. Stay home Daniel and get better please.
Any suggestions on how to keep from passing it back and forth to each other?