This week was so long and I believe it had everything to do with the weather!
Mom was here visiting last weekend and on Sunday the good 'ol weatherman was calling for snow. Since we never actually get anything but a bunch of hype we chose to ignore the forecast. It absolutely did snow. Mom ended up staying four days with us, I think she was ready to go home! With 4-6 inches here in Virginia and east of us with even more this was the most snow we had all season! The most incredible part of this is that today it was 68 and tomorrow they are calling for high 70's. So Monday we were wearing snow boots, it was in the teens and very windy and today we are walking around without a coat. Ridiculous!
On Thursday I walked to the train and took the 25 minute ride to my office as usual. To my surprise Angelina Jolie was in town filming SALT. Actually, the filming took place in the plaza right outside my office building and at my metro stop (Archives Navy Memorial). A coworker of mine Nancy joined me on the roof of our building to watch a few takes. It was a pretty exciting day because what happens next turns a perfectly fine day and productive week into a BIG drag.
I spend a lot of time on the Internet, it is part of what I do, reading about trends brushing up on art history and looking at multiple vendors who have their catalog of merchandise online. On this particular day I was preparing for an afternoon meeting. Searching through the hundreds of quotes by artist's and then WHAM...computer virus! It appeared on the screen counting down and scanning for viruses so it claimed. I called our IT help desk and faster than you can say...GUCCI they responded "shut 'er down!" I was told to sit tight someone was on their way and they would have a few questions for me. Interrogation? They also told me to be prepared, they may have to take it away. I missed a planned lunch with my girlfriends (BOO HOO) and waited and waited and waited and finally...someone arrived. Thankfully our IT department was able to get the computer running again (after several hours) but by then it was 5:00pm and I only had a half hour left in my workday.
Friday morning was another busy day for me. I was making my way through multiple accounts payable issues and then it started. Trojan virus scanned. Here I go again with the help desk. Nevertheless no computer until Monday...maybe (sigh).
I was still able to be productive, thankfully I keep some paper files on vendors!!
The end of the day, the end of the week HOORAY!
Dan finished up around 6:30pm, he had his own fair share of issues this week including the entire Ronald Reagan building losing power in the middle of a massive project!
So the week is wrapped up and we decided a quick bite and the E Street cinema is just what we needed. Janet (my boss) joined us for
Slum Dog Millionaire. WOW I really enjoyed this film. While Dan pointed out the ending is unrealistic (love story...hello!) it was a wonderful story of three musketeers.
So much can happen in a week!