I wrote the last message on Friday with hopes that I would do as promised and post some photos.
Ummm no such luck!
The weekend just escaped me as most do.
Friday night Daniel took me to one of my FAV places for dinner, BOMBAY CURRY!!
Then he was one of 4 guys at the movies, we went to see Bride Wars! I can not believe he said he would go. Maybe he felt sorry for me that the only girlfriend I know who might possibly go with me lives in Brooklyn now! Or maybe he secretly wanted to watch the two hotties Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson for an hour or so...
I like to think he is just a wonderful husband who earned buco brownie points!
It was a fun movie and of course brought back nice memories for us.
Saturday morning was like a regular work day, to start we were up by 6:30. We had to do a flower delivery for Dan's Mom (she was in CA). We drove to Lorton and then to AU in DC and then to Potomac Mills to pick up a TV for his grandmother who is on her way here todayfrom California to stay for a couple of months or so. We made a short side trip to Ikea where we picked up a very cute kitchen timer and we ate breakfast at Ikea! The way to a man's heart through his stomach, the way to get a man to go to Ikea ...tell him food is involved!
We returned to Lorton to hook up the TV and then we finally went home. Oh no! We had to make one stop at Target for essentials...poor Dan.
Anyway by the time we returned home it was 3pm. SO much for the day!
We ended up napping and then making a run to whole foods for some dinner.
The rest of the night was a wash....we couldn't do more than sit on the couch, eat and watch a movie.
Sunday was no better really we overslept...go figure!
Did some work around the house, headed out to Marshall's so Daniel could use one of his Christmas gift cards ran a few other errands and then it was Sunday night pasta and Soprano's.
We bought each other the Entire box set of Soprano's for Christmas! Since then we have been watching 3 to 4 episodes on Sunday nights accompanied by various pasta. So addicting!
Last night I used a recipe from my Silver Spoon cookbook. Delish! Pasta with crab meat.
That's it in a nutshell...
I will post pics tonight or tomorrow "girl scouts honor" (I was never a girl scout)