Thursday, January 24, 2013

Snowy day

There is just something spectacular about waking up to the occasional snowy day. It's pretty to look at and it feels like a spark of energy when one of those magical white flakes melts on contact to warm skin!
A friend reminded me today how important it is to put into words for small children why something is so special. We went through a few examples's white and bright relieving us of the grey of winter --even if it is only temporary. We are missing the green of the trees and the birds chirping their morning song so we welcome the change and this snowy day that makes everything look and feel so refreshing. Snow also has the beautiful ability to muffle sound so the volume of life is turned down a notch or two. I walked to the train today, it's not far, just about a mile but I couldn't resist the snow. I could have taken the bus but then I would never have been able to explain "why" the snow is so special. Sometimes it's just good to respond to the whys even if it's to remind ourselves that out of each day something great and special will come. All we have to do is open our eyes!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Un cafe!

This morning was rainy and cold...where is the snow!?  The only way I could manage to get up and get going was to make this...
with my Nespresso milk frother!!  A most perfect Christmas gift form my dahhling husband.